Table Charismata Matters

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Two Hundred Genuine Instances of Divine Healing


 I've read this book and it's chock full of testimonies of God's healing people of various diseases, illness and injuries (etc.). I ordered a hardback copy from some website years ago and I didn't regret it. However, I'm hesitant to recommend this book because it sometimes promotes an approach to healing that can be dangerous. Basically, it encourages that after receiving prayer for healing (or believing healing for one's self) to thereafter act in such a way as if one were already healed. In many instances this can be safe, but in some instance it can be dangerous. In the latter instances, I recommend not doing such things that risk one's life unless God clearly and unambiguously indicates you are to do such a thing. Even then, make sure it's really God and not our own (subconscious) self or demons telling you to do this. Otherwise, it might lead to a presumption that can be deadly. A modern example would be someone believing God has healed him of diabetes and then that person stopping and no longer testing his blood sugar levels and him stopping and no longer taking his medication. That can result in serious injury or death. I don't recommend that. Rather, I endore Roger Sapp's recommendation to go to the doctor and get a new diagnosis as soon as possible or even get a second opinion from a second doctor to confirm your healing. Sometimes a second opinion is necessary because your first doctor will be hesitant to confirm a healing. Sometimes because he doesn't want to get sued if someone stops taking treatment or medication (or whatever) and that person eventually gets worse or dies. Or because the health insurance requires the continuation of the treatment et cetera. Here's my main Roger Sapp blogpost. Here's Sapp's Christ Speaks Well of Doctors

Two Hundred Genuine Instances of Divine Healing