Table Charismata Matters

Friday, August 30, 2013

E.M Bounds on Prayer

Decades ago Baker Book House came out with The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds On Prayer. Inside are eight classic books by Bounds on prayer. For some unknown reason to me, the Christian Classics Ethereal Library has every book except for book three, "The Possibilities of Prayer." So, with some differences in the texts, here's an attempt to reconstruct Baker's book using links to online public domain texts. I've also included links to other books by Bounds on other topics. Even though many Christian websites have E.M. Bounds' books on prayer, I thought it was fitting to have links to the books at this blog too. Bounds was a Methodist minister and so wrote from an Arminian perspective. But much of his material can be of benefit to Calvinists as well. I emailed CCEL recently asking them to add "Possibilities of Prayer" to their library. Hopefully, they will soon. But in the meantime...

Book One: The Necessity of Prayer

Book Two: The Essentials of Prayer

Book Three: The Possibilities of Prayer
Here, or Here, or Here, or Here, or Here
[[UPDATE: I've found an old link to The Possibilities of Prayer at HERE]]

Book Four: The Reality of Prayer

Book Five: Purpose in Prayer

Book Six: The Weapon of Prayer

Book Seven: Power Through Prayer

Book Eight: Prayer and Praying Men


Heaven: A Place–A City–A Home by E.M. Bounds (or HERE, HERE, HERE)
(more sermons on Heaven by other authors HERE)

Preacher and Prayer by E.M. Bounds (This might be another version of "Power Through Prayer")

Satan: His Personality, Power and Overthrow by E.M. Bounds
(or Here, Here, Here)

"Prayer is not a little habit pinned on to us while we were tied to our mother's apron strings; neither is it a little decent quarter of a minute's grace said over an hour's dinner, but it is a most serious work of our most serious years. It engages more of time and appetite than our longest dinings or richest feasts."- E. M. Bounds (in Power Through Prayer)

1 comment:

  1. I found a link to an old version of "The Possibilities of Prayer" on Apparently the book was originally at CCEL but the link was lost and so not added to the list. Here's the link:
