Table Charismata Matters

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Modern Testimonies of Miracles of Supernatural Multiplication


The Bible records miracles of multiplication. For example, Jesus multiplying a small amount of bread and fish to feed over five thousand people (Matt. 14:13ff.), and then another time when He multiplied bread and fish to feed over four thousand people (Matt. 15:32ff.). The Old Testament also records miracles of multiplication. There's the incident when Elijah declared that a widow's jar of flour and jug of oil would not go empty until the drought in the land ended, and it happened (1 Kings 17:8ff.). There's also the incident when Elisha declared a widow's debts would be paid by the multiplication of oil (2 Kings 4:1ff.), and it happened.


 The following are some claimed modern instances where God multiplied supplies. I don't claim that every instance listed below were real miracles rather than fabricated lies. But I suspect that at least some of the testimonies are instances of genuine miracles of multiplication.


Probably the most famous modern instance is the case recounted by Corrie ten Boom in her book, The Hiding Place. It takes place during World War II (if I recall correctly, in a concentration camp).  Read the excerpt in the following link:

 Multiplication of Liquid Vitamins in a Bottle



Missionary Heidi Baker is associated with miracles, including cases of divine healing [for more on this, see Candy Gunther Brown's videos and book titles HERE]. In the link below there is the claim that cookies were supernaturally multiplied by God to supply enough for all the children present.

The Miraculous Multiplication of Cookies: A Missionary’s Story About the Power of Prayer

The following excerpt is from Pat Robertson's book Miracles Can Be Yours Today pages 125-126.

I love the childlike faith of some of the Italian immigrants who came to America, met Jesus Christ, and were then filled with God's Holy Spirit. To them, if it is in the Bible, it is true. To them, whatever God has promised in the Bible, He will do!

The mother of my friend, the late Frank Foglio, came to America without much money, but with a ton of faith. Frank wrote a wonderful book about his amazing mother entitled Hey God! (Bridge-Logos, 1972), and this is one story from it.

Italian people are very hospitable. The women are renowned cooks who delight in serving delicious food to their guests. Mama Foglio found herself one day with a crowd of guests at lunchtime. But what could she do? The family was poor, and her food supply had diminished to a half box of spaghetti. But Mama Foglio knew her Bible, and she knew the God of miracles.

So she got out her biggest pot, filled it with water, and then put it on the stove to boil. She took the tiny bit of uncooked spaghetti and put it near the pot. She then opened her Bible to a promise of God's provision and held it up in her right hand.

In a prayer that I am sure must have delighted the Lord, but which would have horrified most formal clergymen, Mama Foglio placed her finger on the promise in the Bible held in her uplifted hand and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Hey God! You promised right here to meet my needs. I need food for all these people. Do it, God, just like You promised!"

She took the handful of spaghetti and threw it in the pot of boiling water. Before her eyes, the spaghetti began to swell until it filled up the giant container. When it was cooked, she served plate after plate of steaming delicious spaghetti so that all of her guests were fed.

Mama Foglio's prayer wasn't fancy. It wasn't couched in the old English of the King James Bible. But to the Foglio family, "Hey God! Look! Right here You promised!" seemed prayer enough to please God and bring forth a miracle of multiplication and provision.

The following excerpt is taken from Nine O'Clock in the Morning by Dennis J. Bennett, pages 122-123

...Andrew answered, "There's a youngster here with some bread and fish he's brought with him for lunch, but what is the good of that for a crowd like this?" And then Jesus proceeded to feed the five thousand from the little fellow's lunch-box!

I believe that happened because the Bible says it did, but I also believe it because Jesus did something similar in my own house! It was the day our daughter was married. Husbands can be thoughtless people, and I'm no different from the average. That day I brought sixteen people home to lunch without even warning my wife! She told me later what happened.

"I stood in the kitchen and said, 'Lord, Dennis has brought these folks home with him, and You know I don't have food for this many. This casserole is large enough to feed only five or six, and I haven't time to go to the store. I don't want to say anything about this, so I'm going to put the food on the table and trust You to do the rest!' "

She did just that, and said to me later, "You know, I just watched that food go round and round. They kept digging in and digging in, and everyone seemed to get enough to satisfy him, and there was enough left over to feed two more who arrived later in the afternoon!"

"My God shall fill up all your needs!"

Pastor Mike Yeager testifies of how his vehicle was able to driven for three days longer than it should have. It was allegedly an empty gas tank miracle.

Driving Our TRUCK with no GAS!

In this video, Mike Yeager claims God supernaturally multiplied paper money.

Miracle Of The Multiplication Of Money

As a convinced and ardent Evangelical Protestant I believe Roman Catholicism has many SERIOUS errors that dilute the truth of the Gospel. So much so that I encourage people to leave Catholicism for a more Biblically based Christianity. I recommend Evangelical apologetics against Catholicism's teachings and claims (for example, those of Gavin Ortland, James White, Jordan B. Cooper, William Webster, The Other Paul, and others).

Having said that I believe it's spiritually dangerous to be Roman Catholic, I have to balanced that with the admission that I also think there's enough truth in Catholicism for some people to be possibly saved, despite the official Catholic Gospel technically not being a saving conception of the Gospel. That's because, technically, Catholicism teaches the doctrine of the Trinity. Also, there's a long history in Catholicism whereby some strains of Catholicism teach Sola Gratia (salvation by grace alone). Ironically, while most Protestants affirm Sola Fide (justification through faith alone) and reject Sola Gratia, many Catholics do the opposite. Catholicism officially denies Sola Fide, yet many Catholics affirm and many historic Catholic theologians affirmed Sola Gratia.

Anyway, all that was to make it clear that I'm not endorsing Catholicism when I post the following video (already cued up) where a Catholic exorcist recounts a story of the multiplication of dessert for children.

Fr. Dan Reehil recounts the multiplication of pudding
[YouTube video already cued up]

The following account is by preacher Roger Sapp who is mostly known for his divine healing ministry. See my blogpost dedicated to his materials HERE. In the story below, Roger Sapp and his wife allegedly had an experience that could almost be categorized as similar to the multiplication of the liquid vitamins mentioned above. I'll post the story and then make a comment about the incident afterwards. The story is taken from Roger Sapp's book Spiritual Treasure: A Collection of 44 True Stories of the Supernatural Grace of God [2014], pages 8-9.

 Miracle in the Moonlight

In the first few months as a Christian, I experienced an amazing, miraculous event that was coupled with an inner knowing of what to do. I was a young soldier stationed in Wurzburg, Germany. I was saved by Jesus in a Christian coffeehouse that we attended regularly. In February, there was a Christian friend - who also attended this coffeehouse - who was leaving the Army and returning home. He needed a ride to the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Airport. I volunteered to drive him there.

It was not a long trip. It took about an hour and a half to get to the airport from where we lived. He didn't need to be there until after 8 pm, so we left at about 6 pm. My wife Ann and our two young children - one was a baby - came along with us. We arrived at the airport about 7:30 pm. We said our goodbyes and he went into the terminal.

We left the terminal and got back on the Autobahn in a few minutes. In about a half hour, we had a noisy blowout of the front right tire. With some difficulties slowing down and steering the car, I got the car off the Autobahn to the shoulder. I got out of the car to examine the tire. I knelt down beside it to examine it carefully. The tire was very flat with the rim near the ground. Normally, this would not have been a problem, but I realized that I had taken the spare tire in for repairs a few days before because it was flat also. (At that time, I was a low-ranking soldier and we had a worn-out car with worn-out tires.) Absentmindedly, I had forgotten to pick up the repaired spare tire before leaving on this trip.

I got back into the car and explained the situation to my wife Ann. Whether or not this was accurate, we had been told that if your car broke down on the Autobahn, you could get a huge fine by the German police. We discussed not being able to afford a fine. It was also very cold and dark outside with only the light of a full moon to see. I was keeping the car engine running to keep my family warm. I didn't know how long I could do this and still have enough gasoline to drive us home. With all these unknowns in our minds, Ann and I started praying for Divine help.

We had prayed for 15 minutes or so and I began to feel strongly that I should drive on the flat tire. I knew that this would completely ruin the tire and might seriously damage the rim. However, the more that I prayed, the stronger I felt that I should drive on the flat tire. I told Ann that I felt that I should drive on the tire. She - seeing no other solution - reluctantly agreed.

I started driving slowly on the shoulder. There was a grinding noise that made me think that the metal rim was touching the ground at times. There was also a repeating "flabunk" sound happening. "Flabunk, flabunk, flabunk..." I was praying for this old car to hold up under the new strain that I was putting on it.

Fairly soon, there was no noise at all. I got going somewhat faster but was puzzled why I wasn't hearing any noise. Without any effort, I got back on the Autobahn and eventually was traveling at speeds in excess of 60 miles an hour with no evidence that anything was wrong with the tire. I drove 45 minutes on that tire and pulled into a parking space in front of the apartment building where we lived on the German economy. I got out of the car and walked over to the right side to look at the tire. It was no longer flat. I could not accept this. Thinking that I was tired, I walked completely around the car checking each of the tires to see if one of them was flat. All the tires were fine. I was dumbfounded and awed as I returned to the right front tire. We were hearing about the Second Coming of Christ in the coffeehouse during that season. I remembered hearing this verse: "The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be, that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:20-21) I looked up at the full moon and it did seem to be light red. I felt sure that the Lord was returning that night. I didn't sleep that night and made very sure that we were saved. We both prayed the sinner's prayer again. When the next morning arrived without Christ returning, I was both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

I got ready to go to work. When I went out to my car, I discovered that the front right tire was flat again and sitting on its rim. I was late to work that day but it was a great day. I experienced an awe of God's nearness all day. By the way, the rim was not damaged and the tire was not destroyed by me driving on it. We had it repaired.

In a sense you could say that God multiplied air in the tire till it was no longer urgently needed. The tire went flat after they safely arrived home. Similar to how the miracle of the liquid vitamins ended when it was no longer urgently needed. Or similar to how Mike Yeager's vehicle would no longer run with little or no gas in the tank when they finally had money to pay for gas.


I'll add more testimonies as I encounter them.

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